Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Fire in the Hole!

It all started with one little question from Grandma Looney: “Have you ever used your self-cleaning oven? ”
This developed into an entire story typical of Grandma Looney revolving around 2 themes – (1) her house is a mess and (2) her roundabout way of thinking.
Why would she need to clean the oven, all of a sudden (obviously never having done it before)?
“I was heating up some garlic bread…”
Ohhhh… and it must have burned.
“No.  The chex mix did. Well, and the plastic bowl.”
Wait. I thought it was garlic bread.
This is when Grandma Looney starts rolling her eyes, amazed that I can’t follow along. But why was she cooking bread and chex mix in a plastic bowl in the oven? Did she not know you can’t use plastic in the oven?
“Well, of course I didn’t do that!”
Here’s what happened. Grandma Looney put Chex Mix in a plastic bowl. Then, she cooked some garlic bread. She did not eat all of either one. At some point, Grandma Looney needed the counter space her garlic bread and Chex Mix were taking up (here’s theme number 1… her counters look like a scene from Hoarders), so she stored them in the oven (theme number 2 – this is the last place anyone else in our family would store food. How about the refrigerator?). Later, she thought she would heat up the garlic bread but forgot about the Chex Mix. She turned on the oven and BOOM! Fire.
But we never would have found that out if she didn’t ask that one simple question that kept up asking WHY she needed to clean her oven so badly… Have you ever used your self-cleaning oven?
Good news, though. The smoke detector alerted her before the fire spread… Luckily, the week prior, Grandma Looney had just called the city fire department – 3 firemen and a full fire engine – to her house to change the batteries on her smoke detector.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Internet Issues

Grandma Looney has called twice this week for me to come fix her "broken" internet. Same problem both times....

...She has a pop-up.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

"it's OK, because I saw the same one on QVC"

So after the last post about the strange gifts Grandma Looney gives, you may wonder where she shops. The local drug store, of course! It’s her #1 place to shop… for anything. No, it’s not a chain convenience store with a pharmacy; it’s actually a local mom-and-pop drug store. You didn’t think those existed anymore did you? I can only assume that this is one of the last few left, and that it is open solely because of the amount of shopping Grandma Looney does there.

The strange things this drug store must encounter with her are unimaginable. Luckily for you, though, having spent a lot of time with my grandmother when I was younger, I KNOW some of the strange things the drug store HAS encountered. Once, she  "persuaded"  the pharmacist to stay open late so she could pick up her prescription ... persuaded with a bottle of gin, that is.

This poor pharmacist.  He really should have just gone to medical school, for the amount of phone calls for diagnoses and medical information Grandma Looney makes.  Never mind calling or visiting the doctor first -- just call the drug store and tell them your symptoms. They always seem to know that is "going around." 
But pharmaceuticals and gifts are not the only goodies in the local drug store.  Grandma Looney is forever frequenting the local drug store to cash checks. I’m not talking about pay checks she needs cashed in a sketchy location. No, it’s not because she doesn’t have a bank account. It’s because Grandma Looney just doesn’t have (or at least doesn't know how to use) an ATM card. Why? If you find out, let me know. So regularly (I would estimate a few times a week) she writes herself a check made out to Cash and goes to the drug store to cash it. 

So, while she is in the drug store doing her banking, Grandma Looney checks out the knickknacks and tchotchkes, at which time the gift suggestions run rampant through her mind. I’m sure the drug store has some interesting things, like I would imagine a Hallmark would, but it would probably be the last place I’d go shopping for gifts for someone’s birthday. She once gave my stepdad a cat figurine and told us, “I found this at the drug store, but it’s ok because I saw the same one on QVC.” Now, there are so many things wrong with that statement – why would a cat figurine make a good present? Why buy one at the drug store? Why would it make it ok because it was on QVC?

By the way, the QVC obsession is a whole other story…

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Giraffes, Napkins, and Kitty Porn -- Oh my!

With a lot of my family members’ birthdays coming up, I feel like I should talk about Grandma Looney’s gift-giving. Now, I know grandmothers are stereotypically not good gift-givers, whether it’s that really ugly shirt she got from Wal-Mart or a check for $5. But Grandma Looney’s gifts are, well, for lack of a better word, loony. From what I can gather, there are really three rules to my grandma’s gift-giving habits:
1.       If you liked it as a kid, you’ll like it for every occasion.
2.       If you said you liked something once, you like it forever.
3.       If it has your name on it, give it.

Now, this might appear to be an ok strategy, until you see how she plays things out. For instance, I get things with giraffes on it and Poptarts a LOT.  Why? Well…when I was young, my parents used to ask me typical questions for a kid – What sound does a dog make? What sound does a cat make? Then they’d throw the curveball – what sound does a giraffe make? I got so confused and the family thought it was hilarious. Hence, giraffe gifts. Never did I even like giraffes that much. Sure, they are cool animals, but it was just one thing from my childhood and I now have a collection of giraffe paraphernalia you wouldn’t believe – stuffed animals, statues, ornaments, pads of paper, pens, etc.

Also, I once went through a phase when I liked Poptarts as a snack. So now every once in a while I unwrap Poptarts as a gift from Grandma Looney. Sure, Poptarts are yummy. But to be perfectly honest, that’s not the kind of gift or food I want to eat on Christmas.

Now, there are just several go-to items Grandma Looney ALWAYS gives.
· Cocktail napkins…yes, even my 11 year old cousin gets them. Obviously, for all the entertaining and cocktail parties he will be having for the upcoming year (insert sarcasm).
· Dish towels. You thought you had enough dish towels, but you did NOT have one for Arbor Day! Gift idea!
· Pencils. Who WOULDN’T want tie-dyed pencils that says “Total Babe” and “Whatever” on them when you are 22 years old and in grad school??

So any time of year with gifts (which also includes holidays not traditionally for gift-giving, i.e. Halloween, Thanksgiving, St. Patrick’s Day, etc.) are always an adventure with Grandma Looney. To be honest, it makes the holidays much more interesting for us and we wouldn't want it any other way.

So to top it all off, here are the top 10 gifts that my immediate family has received from Grandma Looney:
10. Topiary
9. Cookies homemade by someone else we don’t know
8. A pad of paper with a cover that reads “Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere” (talk about sending the wrong message, Grandma Looney)
7. A large red sack with my name on it.
6. A mini pumpkin loaf
5. Panty Hose
4. Coupons for aluminum foil, baggies, cinnamon rolls, and pie crusts
3. Box of wine
2. A hammer shaped like a shoe – you bang a nail with the heel of the shoe
1. A “funny” cat book, for my stepdad who has a cat. Only it wasn’t funny. Actually, the first page I opened it up to had pictures and drawings of cats, err, mating in different ways. And so lives the infamous “Kitty Porn Book” gift.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

"Hello, Carol?"

If a phone attached to the wall for 20 years is a problem, you can imagine the issues the 21st century has created.  I'm talking about the cell phone.

Grandma Looney is forever promising/threatening to do things -- get a cell phone, clean out her garage, start working out (all of which will be covered in future items). So, after talking about needing a cell phone but never quite going as far as going to a store to get one, we called her bluff and bought her a prepaid cell phone, with 60 prepaid minutes.

Knowing technology can be tough, this phone is only slightly more advanced than a Jitterbug (which must not have been on the market at the time, or we'd have been all over it).  All Grandma Looney really wanted was to be able to call and be called when she is out and about. We brought the phone to her, set it up, explained it, and demonstrated. She made a test call, and she was off and running!

So we thought.  About a month later, as I was heading to meet Grandma Looney for dinner, my own cell phone rang.  Caller ID: Grandma Looney! Imagine my excitement of a plan coming together.

"Hello!" I answer with great enthusiasm.
Response from the other end: "Hello, Carol?"
Me: "No, this isn't Carol, it's me, Grandma."
Silence. Click.

Hmm. That was weird.  20 seconds later, my phone rings again.  You've got it. Grandma Looney.
"hellooooo...," I answer this time, with much less enthusiasm.
Again, I say, "helloooo...?"
"No, not Carol. It's me."

Of course, another 20 seconds, another call.
I answer, snippily, "hello."

So I get to the restaurant, and say, "Grandma, you keep calling me but you must be trying to call Carol."
Grandma Looney (insert her famous eye roll here): "That phone you got me, there's something wrong with it. It will only call your number."
"Let me see what you are doing," I say.

So Grandma Looney reaches in her purse, and pulls out... a hard plastic eyeglasses case.  Which she opens, and pulls out a linen handkerchief, which she begins to unroll... to reveal... her cell phone! (Of course, she wanted this phone in case of an accident, when she certainly will be able to calmly unwrap her mummified phone in a pinch.) She shows me how she turns on the phone (she doesn't keep it on so as not to drain the battery -- of course, she can't receive any calls either)... pressing the "on" button -- over and over, hence calling the last number she dialed -- me.  I explain the mistake, we take another trial run.  Problem solved.

On my ride home, my cell rings. Aw, Grandma Looney must be calling to thank me for meeting for dinner and helping her.
"Hello? Carol?"